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Norell S. Manning

Estate Planning Sr. Associate Attorney

Norell is a west coast transplant from New Jersey, but grew up splitting her time between New Jersey and Delaware. She moved to California in 2013 to attend law school.  She received her Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of Delaware and an MBA specializing in Project and Team Management from Full Sail University. She graduated Cum Laude from Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, where she was an active member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution team and Vice President of the Business Law Society.


In 2019 and 2020, she was recognized by the San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program for her volunteer legal work assisting victims of domestic violence. She enjoys volunteering with organizations that provide legal assistance to indigent and disenfranchised communities in her free time. When she is not working or volunteering, she enjoys baking – her favorite thing to bake is vegan lemon bars (trust her, they are delicious!) - and she will be starting violin lessons soon.

Norell.png   |   415.944.9406   |   3873 Piedmont Ave. # 8, Oakland, CA 94611

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​​Most professionals are busy working & living life. Last thing they need is to become stuck in a long estate planning process. We make estate planning fast, friendly & easy for Bay Area residents. So people can live with confidence knowing their loved ones will be taken care of after they pass.

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