Information Needed to Create an Estate Plan
We have a lot of clients who get stymied in the process because they are concerned they do not have the time or energy to gather information. Don’t worry, it is not that bad.

You Do Not Need
Account numbers or balances
The value of your house
Anyone’s social security number, birth date, or address
We have an intake form that will guide you through the process that most people can complete in 10 minutes. Some people will have a few questions about key decisions they need to reflect on or might need to look up a couple of pieces of financial information.
Key Decisions for Everyone
Who will manage your finances and distribute your estate if you pass away (trustee) Who you want to receive your assets when you die (beneficiaries)
Where is your stuff? (the name of banks, life insurance providers, property addresses)
Who will make health care choices on your behalf (Health Care Agent)
Provide some general directions regarding health care choices (Living Will)
For Parents with Kids under 18
Who will be in charge of the day-to-day care of your children (Legal Guardian)
For People Leaving Money to Young Persons
How old should the young person be to inherit money? (25-35 for most people)
Who should manage the money until that age (Financial Guardian/Trustee for Young Persons)
We will have a list of solutions for you to consider if you have any of these special circumstances below apply:
International Family
Family Members with Special Needs
Family Members who need specific support (financial management) Family Members who might cause problems or sue the trust Non-Traditional Families (cohabitating partners, blended families)
For Parents with Kids under 18
Who will be in charge of the day-to-day care of your children (Legal Guardian)
For People Leaving Money to Young Persons
How old should the young person be to inherit money? (25-35 for most people)
Who should manage the money until that age (Financial Guardian/Trustee for Young Persons)
We will have a list of solutions for you to consider if you have any of these special circumstances below apply:
International Family
Family Members with Special Needs
Family Members who need specific support (financial management) Family Members who might cause problems or sue the trust Non-Traditional Families (cohabitating partners, blended families)