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Walnut Creek Office

1255 Treat Blvd., Suite 300, Walnut Creek, CA 94597



The number for coordination with your notary will be in the invitation we send you via email. Please call/text when you arrive.


This will be an "In-Person" signing of your estate plan and should take less than 15 minutes.

Our team member will meet you in the lobby.


You will drive to 1255 Treat Blvd, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, CA 94597.


From Buskirk Avenue, there will be a parking structure on your first right "Treat Towers". Take a ticket to park in the garage, then you will want to find parking close to the light blue area for building 1255. Please bring your ticket with you, Summerall Law will cover parking fees. Please meet our team member on the 3rd floor (Suite 300) of building 1255.

Park at"Treat Towers

Take a ticket to park in the garage.

 You will want to find parking close to the light blue area for building 1255.

Please bring your ticket with you.

Summerall law will cover parking fees.

Please meet our team member on the 3rd floor (Suite 300) of building 1255.


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View of Treat Towers parking garage from Buskirk Avenue. 
Take a ticket to park in the garage, then you will want to find parking close to the light blue area for building 1255.
WC-BuildingPhoto-01.jpg   |   415.944.9406   |   3873 Piedmont Ave. # 8, Oakland, CA 94611

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​​Most professionals are busy working & living life. Last thing they need is to become stuck in a long estate planning process. We make estate planning fast, friendly & easy for Bay Area residents. So people can live with confidence knowing their loved ones will be taken care of after they pass.

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